Setting up SSO with Okta

This article contains instructions for connecting FlippingBook Online with Okta. It is intended for Okta administrators.

Initial setup

  1. Contact our support team to request SSO for your account. Note that SSO is only available for users of the Enterprise plan.
  2. Await the confirmation message with details that you will need from the support team.
  3. Log in to Okta and go to the Administrator section.
  4. Go to the Applications section, select Applications, and press Create App Integration.
  5. Select SAML 2.0 as the Sign-in method and press Next.
  6. Use FlippingBook Online as the App name and press Next. If you want to, you can right-click to download either of these logos: 
  7. Fill out the SAML settings:
    • Single sign on URL: provided by the support team
    • Audience URI (SP Entity ID): provided by the support team
    • Name ID format: select the option EmailAddress
    • Application username: select the option E-mail
  8. Optional: enable Single Logout (jump to a separate section in the article)
  9. In the Feedback tab, select I’m an Okta customer adding an internal app and press Finish
  10. You have created a new application. go to the Sign on tab

    Scroll down to the SAML sign up section and press View SAML setup instructions

    Then scroll down to the Optional section. You can stretch out the field in the bottom left corner.
    Click on the content in this field, press Ctrl+A to select everything, copy it, and paste it into your reply to our support team.
  11. Await the confirmation email from the support team that we have set up the integration on our end. This email will also contain additional instructions for your users on how to log in, and for you on how to add additional users in the future,
  12. After you received our confirmation, add your FlippingBook Online users/groups to the newly created FlippingBook Online application as normal.
    We also send a confirmation email to the account owner. This includes a link with your FlippingBook Online SAML domain encoded. You can distribute this link as a shortcut to your end-users. They will immediately enter their account (if already SSO-authenticated) or be taken to your SSO-authentication page otherwise.

Adding users after initial setup

You can simply add new users in Okta and assign them to your FlippingBook Online group. When such users try to open the FlippingBook Online App, we will automatically create a subuser account for them on our end. 

After this is done, we advise that the account owner of FlippingBook Online invites the new user

Removing user access 

If you removed/revoked access for a user in Okta, then they will indeed no longer have access to FlippingBook Online. However, the account on our end will keep existing and the flipbooks will keep working. The FlippingBook Online account owner will have to delete it manually and decide what to do with the flipbooks. 

Transferring work from a deleted user to a new user

If you have a user leaving your team, but the flipbooks that this user made will be managed by another user, then we advise that:

  1. The FlippingBook account owner deletes the subuser, and when deleting, selects the option to move flipbooks to their own account (will create a private folder for them with the old username).
  2. The FlippingBook account owner turns the folder with books from the deleted user into a Shared folder.
  3. The new user logs in and moves all the books from the Shared folder to their Home folder.
  4. Either user deletes the now empty folder from the old user.
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