Managing users in the Team plan

With the Team plan, it's possible to have several users assigned to the same FlippingBook Online account.

Each team member signs in with an individual login and password and has a separate workspace. Team members can make their own flipbooks (in private folders) and can also collaborate with other team members (in shared folders). The administrator uses the main license email to sign in. The administrator can send invitations to new users and view information about user activity in the Team tab of the FlippingBook Online account.

Keep on reading if you would like to learn more about:


Inviting new users

A new user gets an invitation by email and can join the team by accepting it.

Here is how you can send an invitation to a new user:

  1. Sign in as administrator into your FlippingBook Online account
  2. Open the Team tab, and press the Invite User button:

  3. In the pop-up window, fill in the first name, the last name, and the email for the new user
  4. Send the invitation by pressing the Send Invite button:

  5. The user will receive an email where they can log in to finalize their account and set up a password. You're now all set up to collaborate on your flipbooks
Note! It’s not possible to invite a user who already has a trial account or a license for FlippingBook Online.
  • If a user has a trial account, it can be deleted by clicking on Delete account at the bottom of the Profile page of the user account. Once the trial account is deleted, the administrator can try to resend the invitation.
  • If a user has a paid license, the user can contact support to discuss whether the license and the flipbooks need to be deleted or transferred onto a different account.

What the administrator can see in the Team tab

In the Team tab, the administrator can see the following information for all the team members, including the administrator:

  • name,
  • email,
  • number of flipbooks in private folders,
  • last login date.

Note! The administrator cannot see the individual flipbooks created by their team members themselves. Each user has a separate workspace. It's only possible to see how many private flipbooks each team member has.

The administrator can also see the status of the invitations sent to new users and can resend an invitation by clicking the Resend link.


Editing and deleting users

At this moment, the administrator cannot edit users. (If you want to change the name and/or email of a user please contact our support team -  we will be happy to do it for you!). But you can delete users in the Team tab. Simply click on the button with the 3 dots and select Remove User.

When you remove a user, you will get a choice of what to do with the private flipbooks of that user. You can either move them to your own account or delete them completely. If you decide to move them to your own account, we will create a new private folder with the email address of the user you just deleted. Any trackable links your user had will be transferred to your trackable links. The only exception: if you delete the user's book, trackable links to these deleted books will be removed completely. 

This folder will contain all their flipbooks. You can now review them and move them to another folder or delete any flipbooks that are not used anymore. 

After deleting a user, that user's name will still be visible in the 'Last Modified' column with a suffix '(deleted user)'  until another user modifies the flipbook.

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