What does 'workstation' mean?

Each FlippingBook license has a certain number of workstations. A workstation is a computer on which you can install the software. When you buy FlippingBook Publisher, you get one workstation. If you want to use the software on more computers, then you will have to buy additional workstations.

What are the prices for additional workstations?

If you want to buy additional workstations, then the prices are as follows:

  Price per additional workstation
Professional $299 / €249
Business $399 / €349

 You can buy additional workstations at any point in time, whenever you need them.  

How can I buy additional workstations?

To buy additional workstations for multiple users, please contact our helpdesk. Additional workstations cannot be bought in your online account.

Does that mean I can only use the software on one computer, ever?

No, how it works is like this: when you install FlippingBook Publisher on your computer, this automatically registers this installation in our licensing database, using up one workstation slot of your license. But you can later unregister your license from a computer in your online account. This frees up a workstation slot again. After that, you can install the software on another computer. You can find out how you can do this in our article How do I reinstall FlippingBook Publisher?

But when I bought my license, I got several workstations already?

In the past, FlippingBook Publisher was sold in packages with a preset number of workstations included. For example, you may have bought FlippingBook Publisher Business 3, and you could install and use it on three computers at the same time. In that case, you, of course, keep the workstations that you already had, completely for free. Such workstations will also not affect the price of renewals of any other services, like Support & Updates or Unlimited Cloud

How do workstations and subusers relate?

You can install Publisher on a number of computers equal to the number of workstations of your license. You can either use the admin user (the account your license is assigned to) or any of the subusers to log in on any of these PCs. The number of subusers is equal to the number of additional (second, third...) workstations.

When a workstation is registered, the number of available subusers does not decrease and vice versa.

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