Trackable individual links
Know when to follow up
Wonder if clients have opened your proposal? Don’t guess, be sure—send a trackable individual link to each client and measure their personal interaction with the document.

Wonder if clients have opened your proposal? Don’t guess, be sure—send a trackable individual link to each client and measure their personal interaction with the document.
As you create a trackable individual link, you get to decide what real-time email notifications you will receive:
Now that you know they’ve seen your proposal, you can follow up to see what they think of it while the first impression is still fresh.
Seems like they’ve taken extra interest in your offer, maybe even showed it to someone. Make that call to learn what has captured them so much.
Perhaps they’re not interested—or too busy, or have forgotten all about it. Good thing you can remind them to take a look at your proposal.
To help you measure lead engagement, we equip you with stats on:
How many times a client opened the link
Whether they downloaded or printed the PDF
How much time they spent on each page
What links inside the document they clicked
If you want to take away your client’s access to the trackable individual link, just disable it. Disabling the link, instead of deleting it, lets you keep all the stats intact while the link itself no longer opens. You can also set the link to expire on a certain date, so no third party will be able to access it.
Trackable individual links are a powerful sales tool whether you’re working on your own or as a team. Each sales rep can get notifications about their clients into their own inbox and follow up right away.
Want to work with trackable links as a team? Contact us.
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