Make Your PDF Easy to Access and Navigate

No matter how well your content is crafted or how clear the message of the document is, if people can’t access it and find the info they need, your work is in vain. FlippingBook makes the document itself accessible anywhere, anytime. And the content inside becomes easy to read, explore, and use.

Reach your clients anywhere with cross-platform documents
Convert your PDF into an interactive flipbook now
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Web-friendly format

Clients can access your documents anywhere

PDFs open on most devices, but they take time to download. FlippingBook allows users to open your document in any browser—instantly. The mobile version is optimized for slow connections, and high-quality zoom keeps your content readable, even on a smartphone’s small screen.

Enhanced Readability

In-document navigation

Navigation that helps, not confuses

Whether your clients prefer to use a mouse or a keyboard, they can quickly navigate to any page of your flipbook and find the information they need.
Here’s how:

Easy browsing options

Clients can type a page number in the page field, use the navigation arrows, or simply drag a page by the corner.

Table of Contents

You can add a Table of Contents tab on the side of your document to help people jump to the section of the page they need.

Page thumbnails

If your documents contains lots of images, you can show small page previews for people who like navigating visually.

Convert your PDF into an interactive flipbook now

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