Installing FlippingBook Publisher - troubleshooting

As per our system requirements, FlippingBook Publisher requires Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1. Starting with Publisher 2021.3, it is not possible to install the software on Windows 7 without SP1 (Select the Start button > All programs > Windows Update.) To use Publisher on Windows 8, you will need to upgrade to Windows 8.1 

If you run into any problems when running, installing, or upgrading your FlippingBook Publisher installation, please follow these steps:

  1. Close all FlippingBook Publisher-related windows, including error messages and log-in windows.
  2. Go to Start Menu/ FlippingBook / Uninstall FlippingBook Publisher and run it (ignore any errors you may see). Note that this may have been removed already during upgrades. If so, delete the FlippingBook folder in C:\Program Files (x86) or in C:\Program Files folder, and continue with step 3
  3. Go to C:\ProgramData (make sure that browsing hidden files and folders is enabled) and select all folders that look something like this {600CA65A-D984-45AD-B655-E096A0BCA272} and then delete them. These are folders with our old installation data. The exact names may be a bit different, but all folders in this format can safely be deleted.
  4. Download our Publisher Cleaner from DropBox, right-click on the downloaded file, and select Run as Administrator. Wait until the black window of the program closes. This will remove all remaining traces of your old installation except your projects.
  5. Now try to install FlippingBook Publisher again. In rare situations, antivirus software may block the installation. If the software still cannot be installed then please try again with antivirus software disabled.

If the problem still persists, the reason may be in the system files that we depend upon. Please try to 

These steps solve 90% of installation problems. If you followed all the steps and still have problems then please contact our Customer Support and we will be more than happy to assist! 



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