Your publication contains blank pages with 'Something went wrong. Sorry, we couldn't render the page content.'

When you import your PDF in Flippingbook Publisher, we convert your content to images. To obtain the highest quality results, we use 'vector text' - starting with FlippingBook Publisher version 2.9.8 we use the SVG format by default to convert your pages. It is possible that all looks fine while you create your flipbook, but after you uploaded it to your own server, you may see a lot of empty pages with just a message "Something went wrong. Sorry, we couldn't render the page content" or "Oh no, it looks like some rascals have torn out this page. Luckily, all the other pages are fine" (BTW, in this case, the other pages probably are NOT fine either).

Probably your server is not set up to handle the SVG files.

What to do about it?

The most likely reason for this issue is that the MIME-type for SVG is not configured on your webserver. MIME types are used to instruct the server what file extensions refer to what file types. For example, an '.html' file extension refers to a HTML document, a '.jpg' file extension refers to a JPEG image. The server needs to know this so it knows how to deal with the file. So if you experience this behavior, then please ask the administrator of your webserver to set the MIME type for .svg files to 'image/svg+xml'. This is really a very minor change that can be applied within a few minutes.

We have seen this issue almost exclusively on Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) webservers. Many versions of IIS are not set up to support SVG by default. An official article on Microsoft's TechNet describes how to add MIME types, but if you a few quick screenshots are probably all that a server admin needs: 


If you use Apache and suffer from this issue, then you may not even need to contact your administrator (though it would still be advisable to do so). But you can probably solve this issue by editing the .htaccess file that is generated. Go to the folder where your generated files are located and you should see a file called .htaccess.

Open this file by right-clicking on it, and then choose Notepad to open it with. Then add the following line to it.

AddType image/svg+xml .svg

Then save the file and re-upload it to your server.

What to do if you cannot set the MIME Type?

If for some reason it is not possible to apply the suggestions above, but you really need to get your flipbook up and running quickly, then you can work around this. You can reconvert the pages in the project in a way that doesn't use SVG graphics. This is done as follows:

  • Open your Project.
  • Go to the 'Pages' tab.
  • Click on any unselected page. Then press Ctrl+A. This will select all pages.
  • Right-Click, select Import > Reconvert pages .

  • Click on the small 'cogwheel button'
  • Change the option 'Extract Text layer' to PNG

Now click OK to reconvert the pages. When the process is completed, upload your flipbook as you normally do.

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