FlippingBook Publisher Release: New Digital Bookshelves, Easier Customization

At FlippingBook, we’re passionate about helping you create powerful digital publications and market them to promote your business. It’s all about aesthetics and functionality.

Today we’re excited to present to you our new release, FlippingBook Publisher 2020.2, full of digital perks and fixes. Let’s start with reimagined digital bookshelves! 

Watch our video or read on to learn what’s new!


Take a Look at Our Enhanced Bookshelves

From now on, you can set your own custom background for a collection displayed on FlippingBook Cloud. Add your unique background with brand colors or the one that showcases your collection at its best. Don’t forget to give your collection an eye-catching name and a custom URL.

What’s more, now you can change the order of publications in FlippingBook Cloud collections. Organize the publications on your bookshelf exactly as you need so your clients can read them with comfort. 

This way, you’re able to create your own authentic digital library with custom bookshelves to empower your brand. Your readers will love how nice and modern the digital bookshelves look and will be happy to come back to your library for more. 

Here's how your digital bookshelf can look.


What’s More?

Apart from digital bookshelves, we were working on improving the way your create your publications. Check out the new tweaks we’ve added to FlippingBook Publisher. 

Adding your logo to the preloader by default

Customizing your publication became easier and faster. Now when you add a background logo, it will also be added in your preloader by default. You can always change the logo in the preloader if you need to. 

Editing the table of contents with ease

We've upgraded our table of contents editor to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. It has become more convenient to rearrange the titles in the Table of Contents in FlippingBook Publisher. 


See the New Features in Action

We hope that these new features will help you make the best impression on your readers and achieve more with your enhanced digital library.

Go ahead and download our newest FlippingBook Publisher 2020.2. Check out the full list of new features and fixes in the release notes


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