Host your digital documents on FlippingBook Cloud: fast and reliable

FlippingBook Cloud is a user-friendly hosting service with simple embedding and fast uploading options for publications created with FlippingBook Publisher.

Digital document

Fast publishing

You can publish your documents online directly from FlippingBook Publisher software just in one click. Forget about setting up servers or looking for third-party hosting. Once your publication is online, you get a direct link and can share it with your audience right away.

Share direct link Share direct link

Easy embedding into a website

FlippingBook Publisher prepares an embed code for your publication, so all you need to do is paste it into your website. Your publication will fit seamlessly on a website and drive your readers’ attention.


Using our Teamwork feature, the license manager, or superuser, can easily work with the content of their team on FlippingBook Cloud: edit publications or move them between collections or accounts.

Flippingbook cloud
  • Guaranteed fast access to your publication

    Thanks to Amazon Cloudfront technology all the publications uploaded on FlippingBook Cloud are made available to your readers at the fastest speed worldwide.

  • Store publications on our cloud

    Reduce the load of your servers–store and distribute your publications using FlippingBook Cloud. Be sure that your publications always have the maximum loading speed.

Host your documents with FlippingBook today

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