Sales documents play a vital role in business processes in the manufacturing industry. Learn how digital documents can make communication between sales representatives, dealers, and clients more comfortable, fast, and effective.
How FlippingBook Transforms Catalog Distribution and Cuts Printing Costs for a Leading Tile Manufacturer
Learn how our customer, a leading Australian tile manufacturer, makes their catalogs all-digital and reaches more clients while stepping away from print.
How a Manufacturing Company Uses FlippingBook To Elevate Their Proposals
Learn how our customer, an established manufacturing company in the laundry equipment sector, uses FlippingBook Publisher to make their proposals and catalogs secure, interactive, and easy to share.
How a Packaging Company Leverages FlippingBook for Employee Access to Information
Learn how a packaging company finds the perfect solution for efficient internal communication in FlippingBook.
Role of a Sales Document in Manufacturing
What role does sales collateral play in manufacturing? Can manufacturers and salesreps adapt to the digital age to work even more effective? Let's see.
Why Your PDF Deserves Professional Look and Feel
Let's look at how different industries work with PDFs every day and the pros and cons of dealing with this format.