Why an HTML5 flipbook instead of a PDF?

With FlippingBook Online, you can turn your PDFs into online HTML5 flipbooks. We take great care to ensure that the FlippingBook looks just as good as your PDF. But why use a flipbook when you already have a PDF?

  1. The Wow factor 
    flipbooks look much better than PDFs, with their realistic page-flipping effect. It's similar to browsing through a real book, accessible on any device: desktop, tablet, or smartphone. 

  2. Easily shared 
    You don’t have to install any special software to view your flipbooks. A flipbook is opened by simply clicking a link and will work in any browser: on desktop and mobile. Just copy and paste the link into an email, messenger, comment, or on social media. No need to upload or attach a separate document and work around maximum sizes for attachments.

  3. Embeddable
    The average webpage contains dozens of links. There are simply too many to click them all, so most users ignore most links. A World Bank study showed that 30% of all the PDFs on their site weren't even downloaded once in 5 years. Flipbooks can be embedded in your web pages so your readers can immediately engage with your content. Here is what it looks like:

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  4. Fast 
    There is no need to download anything. A PDF can easily be a few hundred MB and has to be fully downloaded before your readers can start reading. Especially mobile users (who are the majority nowadays) will quickly cancel such downloads. Flipbooks are loaded page-by-page, so your readers can immediately engage with your content.

  5. SEO optimized 
    Many users simply Google your name plus the term they are interested in, rather than going to your site. Flipbooks are native HTML5 documents fully indexed by Google. PDFs are indexed too, but HTML5 pages rank much higher in the result. More so because we optimize your flipbooks, so they tick all the technical stuff that Google looks at when ranking results.

  6. Statistics
    With PDFs, you can track how often they were downloaded, but that's about it. There is no way to see how often your reader opened them afterward and which pages are of interest to them. When using a flipbook, you can easily find out how many views you have within a certain period, how many unique visitors you get, how long your visitors usually spend on any page of your book.

  7. Managed 
    A flipbook is a single link. If you update your content, all your readers see the latest version. There will be no outdated copies lingering around. All your readers will always be up-to-date.

  8. Easy to use 
    PDF readers have some useful features, but they are largely unused because nobody knows they are there. We take great care to make our flipbook interface as clear and intuitive as possible. Most readers don't need any instructions on how to use your FlippingBook publications. But if you feel like your customers need some help reading a flipbook, we have made two versions of a basic interface guide: a brief one and a detailed one. Feel free to use and distribute them among the viewers.

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