Advanced Document Analytics

Back up your marketing hunch with real data

Wonder if people read your PDF documents? With FlippingBook PDF tracking, you’ll know for sure. Turn your PDFs into digital flipbooks to see who reads them, when, and for how long. Get actionable data to improve both the content and the communications with your audience.

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How to track your PDF documents

Getting key insights about your content and readers is easy with FlippingBook. It takes only a few steps to start gathering data.


To enable PDF tracking, upload your PDF file to FlippingBook Online—it will be converted into an online trackable document in a couple of minutes.


Add interactivity—videos, GIFs, forms and quizzes, and hyperlinks. You’ll be able to track the clicks on them and learn more about what interests your audience.


Share your online document to start tracking it. You can do it by sending the direct link to the document or by embedding it into your website. You’ll start seeing statistics in your FlippingBook account within 5 minutes after sharing the document.


See how individual clients and leads interact with your document by setting up individual trackable links. This way, not only will you get insights into how each client views the document, but you will also get an email notification when they open it.

See how your content performs

Are users enjoying your flipbooks? Get a sense of your PDF’s popularity by content tracking. Learn the number of views, unique visitors, shares, and downloads.

Get to know your audience

Document tracking is important, but views and clicks alone might not be enough for making well-thought-out marketing decisions. Measure your audience engagement with page views, session durations, video clicks, and CTA clicks. Learn what devices they use to browse your flipbooks.

Dive deeper with smart metrics

Using PDF tracking to look for specific data? Our smart filters let you analyze your flipbook performance over limited time periods, show you the total views, or how an average user interacts with your content. You can even learn what people look for in your flipbooks thanks to search queries tracking.

What makes your PDF trackable?

FlippingBook converts your static PDF into an interactive HTML5 flipbook. Like this one:

Not only is this format trackable but also much more engaging. How much?
You’ll learn when you check the metrics!

Create your own

Here’s the full list of metrics you can track with FlippingBook

The more PDF data you track, the better you understand your audience, and cater to their needs.

  • Views


    The total number of times your document has been opened.

  • Visitors


    The total number of unique readers of your document.

  • Downloads & Prints

    Downloads & Prints

    Shows how many times the original PDF was downloaded and printed.

  • Page views

    Page views

    With this metric, you can see how many unique visitors and views a specific page got in a session.

  • Time spent

    Time spent

    Learn how long people view your document on average or the time spent in it by each unique visitor.

  • Logo & CTA clicks

    Logo & CTA clicks

    Learn if and how many people interact with the buttons leading to your website or a landing page.

  • Search queries

    Search queries

    Learn what people are looking for in your document to provide even better content.

  • Devices


    See what devices your audience prefers to access your document from.

  • Geolocation


    Learn where your content is making a splash by tracking your visitors’ country and city.

Discover the power of analytics for your content

Our team will talk you through the benefits of tracking your documents and share a few tips and insights!


PDF tracking for sales teams

Bring your sales communications to a new level with actionable data about specific leads. Set up unique trackable links for your documents and get individual insights on each recipient’s engagement.

  • Get open notifications

    Receive instant email notifications when your flipbook is opened and respond within seconds.

  • Set link expiration date

    Create limited-time links to prevent the content from going stale or protect it from unwanted copying.

  • Set follow-up reminders

    Get a reminder to resend the link to the user in case they haven’t opened it by a certain date.

  • Personal tracking of shared documents

    Get personalized statistics in your own account, even when the flipbook is available to the whole team via a shared folder.


All the data, safe in one place

Having all the key data at your fingertips makes work faster and more efficient. With FlippingBook’s comfortable dashboard, all the data you need is one click away—ready to be explored.

Your flipbook
Measure flipbook perfomance Collected leads
Measure flipbook perfomance

Collect and qualify leads

If you choose to collect leads via your flipbooks, you can track if and how often they open your document. Learning more about content interaction will help you identify the most prominent prospects and show where you should focus your sales efforts. Once the leads start coming in, you can send them right to your CRM by integrating it with FlippingBook via Zapier.

Collected leads

Google Analytics integration

For even deeper insights, connect FlippingBook with your Google Analytics account. Learn your users’ demographics, visit locations, and more. Working in a team? Add multiple Google Analytics tracking IDs. This way, you’ll get the most accurate data.

Start tracking your documents today

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