FlippingBook Publisher
Keep up with the latest FlippingBook Publisher releases. Discover what’s new and power up your digital documents.
FlippingBook Publisher Release: Enhanced Publication, Text Selection, Hardcover
The new FlippingBook Publisher release is already here. It brings you a revamped publication with a fresh streamlined look and a whole bunch of exciting digital tweaks.
FlippingBook Publisher Release: New Digital Bookshelves, Easier Customization
We’re excited to present to you our new FlippingBook Publisher release, full of digital perks and fixes. Read on to learn more about our latest features and improvements.
FlippingBook Publisher Release: Inline Images, Element Alignment, New Page Browser
Meet our all-new FlippingBook Publisher release. Here's a roundup of the features we've added to FlippingBook Publisher lately.
FlippingBook Publisher Release: Accessible Publications, Private Video Embedding
The latest FlippingBook Publisher release is already here. Check out all the new features that will make your publications more accessible and easy-to-use.
FlippingBook Publisher Release: Meet Templates, Branding in Mobile Publication, New Preview Mode, and More
A brand-new FlippingBook Publisher release is here. Check out the new features that will make your work with publications more productive and efficient.
FlippingBook Major Update: Meet the New Mobile Publication
A brand-new mobile publication comes to FlippingBook products. Check out what's new and enjoy a seamless mobile journey with your content.
FlippingBook Publisher Release: Notes, GIF-animation, Wistia Integration
The latest FlippingBook Publisher release with all-new features is already out. Here’s a roundup of everything that we’ve added to FlippingBook Publisher lately.
FlippingBook Publisher Plans for 2018
Let’s have a peek behind the curtain as we share a glimpse of our updates and features for 2018.
FlippingBook Publisher Release: New Preloader, In-page Videos, Background Sound, and More
You spoke, and we listened, so our first 2018 FlippingBook Publisher update is based on your requests and is completely customer-driven.