FlippingBook trademark and legal notes

FLIPPINGBOOK (hereinafter the "trademark") is a registered trademark in the United States of America (No. 77616274 of November 18, 2008), the European Union (No. EU 7292915 of October 21, 2009), and the Russian Federation (No. 351064 of May 23, 2008).

Illegal use of the trademark, in particular, its unauthorized reproduction or forgery, is against the law and may be punishable under civil, administrative or criminal law depending on the nature of infringement.

FlippingBook Limited uses the FLIPPINGBOOK trademark for the purposes of distributing/offering for sale the commodities (services) in respect of which the trademark has been registered and equivalent services.

Should FlippingBook Limited learn that the trademark is misused by third parties, they may face a court action.

An indemnity may be sought for each instance of illegal use of intellectual property or means of individualization or for the committed infringement in general. Commodities infringing on intellectual property rights may be destroyed or withdrawn from circulation in some cases.    

No information published on this website may be copied or reproduced without express permission from FlippingBook Limited

FlippingBook Limited does not make any representations as to the fitness of information published on this website for any purpose whatsoever. All texts and related graphic objects are published "as is" without warranties of any kind.  Under no circumstances shall FlippingBook Limited face liability (whether arising from negligence, breach of contract or otherwise) for lost profit, revenues, business contracts, anticipated savings or any other losses resulting from the use of information published on this website, even if FlippingBook Limited was aware of the possibility of such losses.

Texts and related graphic objects published on this website may contain technical inaccuracies or misprints.

In the event of force majeure, as well as accidents and faults in hardware and software of third parties collaborating with FlippingBook Limited, or third-party actions aimed at suspending or discontinuing the operation of this website, the operation of said website and services available through it as well as computer applications (hereinafter "software") may be suspended without advance notice.

Software and updates available at this website have been developed in keeping with all applicable standards and are protected by copyright. The software use rights being granted by FlippingBook Limited are non-exclusive. FlippingBook Limited does not make any representations or warranties regarding the usability of the software. The terms on which FlippingBook Limited provides software and services, all rights and obligations of users and FlippingBook Limited shall be governed by separate agreements, rates, and documents.

FlippingBook Limited


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