Embracing Sustainability: How FlippingBook Helps Clients Go Green

April 22 is Earth Day. This day reminds us of the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, encouraging us to come together and take action for a healthier planet and brighter future.

This year’s Earth Day theme is Planet vs. Plastics. The movement calls on everyone—individuals, businesses, and governments—to unite in combating plastic pollution and protecting our health. You can join and start making the change today: sign the Global Plastics Treaty petition, join the Earth Day social squad, reject fast fashion and go for sustainable fashion, or educate yourself on plastics. Every small step counts!


FlippingBook as a Sustainable Solution

At FlippingBook, we’re also committed to helping our clients become more eco-friendly. FlippingBook is an online service for creating interactive online documents that allows our clients to print less and go digital with their content. Thus, they can be more sustainable in their marketing and sales activities. It’s a great way to support green and sustainability initiatives by moving away from printing and starting to digitize catalogs, brochures, magazines, or any other documents. 💚

As one of our clients, Bianca U, Marketing Specialist, says about FlippingBook:

It solves the environmental issue of over-printing. It also makes our content accessible nationwide.

Plus, printing less saves costs and time. Imagine that you don’t need to print your 300-page catalog and send it via post anymore—instead, you simply share the digital version of your catalog with everyone via email. Just in a few clicks. This way, you have more time and money to support green initiatives in your community and become a sustainable company.

Another customer, Nicky Y, Marketing and Outreach Coordinator, shares how their company saves costs with FlippingBook:

Our firm used to mail out packets to each potential client that would cost close to $10.00 for each—since FlippingBook was created we now can email them and save!


How We Help Our Customers Become Sustainable 

We’re proud to be able to help our clients achieve great goals in becoming eco-friendly businesses and having a positive impact on the environment. There's much feedback from our customers, so today we're happy to share stories from two of them. 

Gavinho Architecture & Interiors

Gavinho, a Lisbon-based architecture and interior design studio, creates signature spaces while carrying the idea of sustainability at heart.

The studio uses a lot of Portuguese materials, mainly materials that can age properly, like stone, wood, or cork. For them, the concept of sustainability is not recycling something over and over, it’s more about using materials that last one hundred, five hundred years—the longest possible.

So naturally, Gavinho’s presentations needed to be sustainable, too—and that’s where FlippingBook came into play. The business is purely visual, so Gavinho strives to present their projects in the best format to every client. Presentations made with FlippingBook help Gavinho tell the project’s story in an immersive and engaging way, simultaneously reducing the ecological footprint. Inês Félix Gavinho, Creative Director at Gavinho, describes how FlippingBook helps them become more sustainable:

FlippingBook helps a lot in terms of sustainability because I don’t have to print, I’m not wasting paper. I can send it in five seconds to a client or a person on the other side of the world. What we aim is really to transport people through that journey of reading the story that we’re trying to tell them.

Food Huggers

Another client who uses FlippingBook to meet their sustainability goals is Food Huggers. The company designs food-saving products to replace single-use plastics with high-quality reusable alternatives while keeping your food fresh longer. By providing simple tools for reducing waste, they help make sustainable habits easy, convenient, and fun. Food Huggers creates online product catalogs with FlippingBook to keep retailers and wholesale customers up-to-date on the latest product line additions and practice sustainability as a company.

Food Huggers Product Catalog

Print less and go digital with FlippingBook

We’re, at our core, a sustainable company and we try to reduce our footprint wherever we can. FlippingBook helps make this possible by serving as a useful tool to make the digitalization of our catalog effortless.’

​As you see, working for a greener future together isn’t hard at all. You can start by joining the Earth Day campaign and then see what else you can do as an individual or a company to support the sustainability cause. Good luck!


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